artificial cultivation of diamonds is how to "grow"?



a thickness of about 0.3mm square sheet in 15 days ushered in a gorgeous transformation. Figure for Huayu Microwave Laboratory

diamonds are rare. However, there is a kind of diamond whose price is only the 1/3 of natural diamond. It is not dug out of the ground, but "planted" in the laboratory, also known as cultivated diamond. Recently, in the laboratory of Huayu Microwave, No. 68, Section 2, Airport 1st Road, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, a square slice with a thickness of about 0.3mm ushered in a magnificent transformation in 15 days and became a 1 karat artificial diamond. As the time of deposition increases, the artificially cultivated diamonds will become larger and larger. How does the small square sheet change, what kind of black technology there is... May wish to go to this company to find out.

the staff carefully put several cleaned square slices (seed crystals) with a thickness of about 0.3mm into the molybdenum holder of the sample table of the equipment. After the equipment is started, a proper amount of process gas is filled into the vacuum chamber where the seed crystal is located. Under the action of microwave plasma, methane will be ionized into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. "The carbon atoms will slowly deposit on the seed and grow layer by layer." Liu Yin, general manager of Chengdu Huayu Microwave Technology Co., Ltd., said that under the "careful care" of the staff, a crystal with a length and width of 7mm will grow into a diamond rough of about 4 karat after 15 days. After the staff's laser cutting, polishing and other processes, a 1 karat high quality laboratory-grown diamond "grew.

During the "growth" of the seed crystal, the staff will observe the growth through the window of the vacuum chamber and monitor the technical parameters of the production equipment at any time. "If there is a defect on the surface of the crystal, we will stop the machine to take out the crystal for processing, and then put it into the machine for growth." Liu Yin said that the size of the seed is different, the deposition time is different, the output of rough diamond size is also different.

the cultivation of diamonds is a sophisticated and fascinating technological advancement. Put the diamond seeds into the culture chamber, through microwave and other in vitro chemical vapor deposition, let the seeds gradually grow to form a crystal clear diamond. This process may take several weeks, and the final diamond has the same physical and chemical properties as the diamond formed underground, including hardness, refractive index, optical properties, etc.

in Liu Yin's view, the current problem of internal rolling in the superhard materials industry is actually a problem of insufficient innovation.

"The most critical way to crack the inner volume is still to rely on innovation to lead. If we make the cake of the whole industry bigger, then the market demand for superhard materials will also expand, which can be a good way to alleviate the inner volume problem. But if the industry cake itself is very small, and the production capacity is very large, then it will eventually lead to overcapacity, leading to price wars." Liu Yin said.

future, Chengdu Huayu Microwave will focus on the overall innovative layout of the industrial chain, and make detailed thinking on the strong chain layout of the front, middle and back ends of the industrial chain.

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